

double rooms


special room for people with disabilities


wooden homes

Accommodation in Bucovina

Away from the noise and rumours of the city, in the heart of the nature there is a place where people still know how to live in the authentic romanian spirit, a place where tradition is not only a part but the whole life itself, this heavenly place we called it NIRO Residence.

It is a place privileged by nature, surrounded by mountains and fir trees, that lets you have wonderful moments with your loved ones...

Modern accommodation

We offer 10 big double rooms, with modern amenities and own shower bathroom each.

Fully equipped kitchen

The unit offers access to a modern fully equipped kitchen and to a traditional romanian style kitchen.

Open space with barbeque

In the courtyard there is an open-space pavilion with terrace, where the guests can relax cooking on the barbeque, cauldron, hob, oven or in the traditional style romanian kitchen.

Private pond

Tne pension offers exclusive access to a private pond. Where you can just hang out around the lake.

Wooden cottage accommodation

For those in search of a different accommodation experience, NIRO Residence offers the chance to book one of the three wooden cottages available with 2 single beds, TV and refrigerator.

Special room
for people with disabilities

We offer one room especially equipped for people with disabilities.

Activities in Bucovina

Bucovina offers various ways of enjoying your time, such as fishing, mountaing hiking or river rafting and atv rides for the adrenalin fans.

Investim în viitorul tău!
Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională
prin Programul Operațional Regional 2014-2020

Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod obligatoriu poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului României

Site-ul proiectului poate fi accesat la adresa: https://www.niro-residence.ro/despre-proiect/
www.inforegio.ro | facebook.com/inforegio.ro